
WEIHNACHTSDORF GROßE Weihnachtsbaum Aufbewahrungstasche für Baum Dekoration Reißverschluss Sack 9 Fuß


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Weihnachtsdorf große Weihnachtsbaum Aufbewahrungstasche für Baum Dekoration Reißverschluss Sack 9 Fuß • CHRISTMAS VILLAGE PREMIUM XL 9FT CHRISTMAS TREE STORAGE BAG (165X76X34) GREY Whenever Christmas comes, we need to dress up our warm house with a beautiful Christmas tree and buy a lot of Christmas decorations for the Trees. However, we understand how difficult it can be to keep a tidy home. Christmas Village tree storage bag is designed with Christmas colors to solve this problem that helps us get messy away from our home and save space. And the Christmas Tree and decorations are still brand new until next Christmas and will not be affected by dust.

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