
MORE PROTEIN Cream 600g, Whey & Casein Blend, Muscle Building, Lactase,.

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Produktart: Protein • Geschmack: Sahne • Maßeinheit: kg • Hauptverwendungszweck: Bodybuilding • Anzahl der Einheiten: 0,600 • Marke: More Nutrition • Gewicht: 600g • Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum: 31.08.2025 • Besonderheiten: Proteinreich • Formulierung: Pulver • Inhalt: 600g • EAN: 4260644048585 •

MORE Protein Cream 600g, Whey & Casein Blend, Muscle Building, Lactase,. • Perfectly combined: the mix of whey and casein provides your muscles with high-quality protein for hours and counteracts cravings. Protein source Whey. Thought to end: no matter what goal you pursue, our More Protein supports your body in muscle building and prevents muscle loss.

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