GLOW25® COLLAGEN Powder [450g] – The Original – Premium – Collagen – Hydrolysate

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Kzf.: Wirksame Inhaltsstoffe: 3,4-Divanillyltetrahydrofuran (Divanil) • Formulierung: Pulver • Geschmack: Neutral • Produktart: Lutein • Dosierung: 10 mg • Abteilung: Erwachsene • Gewicht: 450 g • Diät-Typ: Keto • Marke: Markenlos • EAN: N/A • Hauptverwendungszweck: Anti-Aging • Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum: upto 1 year •

Glow25® Collagen Powder [450g] – The Original – Premium – Collagen – Hydrolysate • Taste-neutral – enjoy Glow25 collagen in all your favourite drinks and foods. Small peptide size – conventional collagen peptides are so large that the body is difficult to process them. Unit count.

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